Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Road Trip in 1996

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Hardly up-to-the-minute, I know, but here's a google map of a road trip I took in Summer 1996 with my friend Jame. There are pics at each location, with links to hi-res versions on Flickr.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Just for fun I setup our highest-spec microscope and had a look at a sample of my own blood. The scope was a Zeiss Axiovert 200 inverted microscope with a 100x oil-immersion objective (NA=1.2) and oil immersion condenser (NA=1.4, stopped down to 0.8). An additional "tube-mag" of 1.5x was applied and the eyepieces yielded an extra 10x. The total optical magnification between sample and eyes, then, was 1500x. Notice the 10 micron scale line in the top-left corner of the image.

I love this microscope. It can yield great images, if you spend a little time setting it up. In fact its performance is on the edge of what is theoretically possible with conventional light microscopy.

Hi-res version here

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Trip to Fenway Park

Today we went to see the Boston Red Socks play the Milwaukee Brewers at Fenway Park, courtesy of Dan's Aunt Pat. It was very kind of her to arrange for us to see the game for free, especially as we got absolutely amazing seats at this very historic venue. We saw all the action and had a great time!
One of the great things about a trip to Fenway Park is that it is both an historic and an intimate venue. The park is very much part of the city and its character.

More Photos HERE.