Monday, March 27, 2006

Cheap photographic thrills

Cheap photographic thrills
Originally uploaded by dwfletch.
My friend Jane from Edinburgh is visiting for a few days - it's fab to have her over here again! One of Jane's interests is playing around with unusual, cheap cameras (LOMO etc) and this time she's brought along a Polaroid that produces postage-stamp-sized, sticky-back photos. Here's a snap she took of me when I met her at Logan Airport.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Vacation in Nicaragua & Costa Rica

When I moved over to the states I decided that it would make sense to exploit my new location by holidaying in the americas. I teamed up with Alex (former flatmate and Espagnaphone) and Una (pal from Ed) and off we went to Nicaragua & Costa Rica (the only 2 countries south of the USA that they hadn't already visited).
We had a great two week trip seeing colonial-era towns, jungles and beaches, rafting, horse-riding and surfing. Nicaragua was definitely less touristy and gave a better insight into 'real life' in Central America. Costa Rica had more to offer by way of lush jungles and organised adventures. Between the two of them we managed to strike a most satisfactory balance and have a really good trip.
More Photos Here.

Friday, March 03, 2006

At the last minute before my long-planned vacation in Central America, I was sent by my company to Bruxelles for a couple of days. I had only been there once before and I'd forgotten how pretty it is and how much tempting food and beer pervades that city.
Unfortunately the airline lost my baggage in Newark. I'm currently in Southampton, UK, with Alex for 24hrs before setting of to Managua. Hopefully my backpack will be returned to me in the next hour or so...

More photos here.